Sunday, February 13, 2011

Córdoba and the last few days

I haven't blogged in a few days so I'll try and keep it brief with what I've been doing since Tuesday. Ended up going out that night when I said I was sick, woops : ) but it was really fun. Had 3 more classes on Wednesday and then class on Thursday at 9 was cancelled! So walked all the way there and found out the teacher was sick, so I haven't even been to that class yet because I just switched into it. It's anthropology of Andalucia, I think it will be pretty interesting. And then I get done with class at 11:00 on Thursdays so that is really nice. When class was cancelled I walked around the center by myself for like 3 hours, and it was so fun to just explore on my own. It was hot too! Got Ben and Jerry's ice cream for my walk home. Thursday was a really fun night, we "botelloned" (pre-gamed) by the river and then went to a club/discoteca called Buddah. Friday I slept most of the day but it was such good weather again that at 5 we went to wander around El Barrio Santa Cruz which is like these Jewish quarters, and the guidebooks really recommend it and say to get lost in it. We didn't stay too long because we got hungry and went and got such good calamari and wine from a restaurant. Then we just went to a few other bars/restaurants and grabbed a couple drinks and then got delicious pizza for dinner. Got home at like 1:30 that night because we wanted to be ready for the day in Córdoba.

These are just some picture of the city. The little alley ways had really fun stores with lot's of col jewelry but the owners of the store are so annoying and hover over you while you're shopping to make sure you don't steal. In the morning we toured the Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos. Not exactly sure what it was...again the tour was in Spanish so things get a little confusing. And then we visited the Sinagoga which is one of three synagogs conserved in Spain.

Then we had a 2 hour break where we got tapas, I got calamari and tortilla de patata and a cafe con leche, and then we wandered in some stores. We met back up at 3:00 and toured La Mezquita Catedral. (Mosque) I'm pretty sure it's of Islamic origins. I just got out the pamphlet to write a little bit about it but I don't really understand. It was pretty awesome inside though. 

Got ice cream on the way out and made our way home on the bus. It was a great day and glad I got to experience another city in Spain. Then for the night we botelloned by the river again, went to a club/disco, and got home at 5 am! Woke up at 1:45...took a shower, had lunch with my señora, PAELLA. God it was just so good. And I think I've made the executive decision to eat meat again. I just think I'm sort of missing out on Spanish food. I don't know if I will be able to ever eat the ham, but pretty sure she cooks half my food in meat anyway, because today there was like 2 bites of chicken in my paella, and I just went for it. But then I remembered why I've never missed chicken, I still don't really like it. But I told her that I think I am slowly going to start eating meat again, so tomorrow she is making me croquetas, which have a little bit of chicken in them, but mostly eggs and milk and spinach or something. It's just really hard to eat tapas and find out what has meat in it here, etc. Then I went back to  my bed and have watched about 15 episodes of television. Finally just got up to journal and blog and my señora just made me toast and coffee. Tonight the Goyas are on, which are like the spanish oscars I think? Might watch a little of those. She is really into celebrities like me so that is fun to talk to her about.
I just took a picture with self timer...haha. This is me on a daily basis. Sitting/laying in bed with my computer. Tomorrow I have class from 9-11 then 11-1 and then 5-630! Monday and Wednesdays are my big days. Going to sleep early tonight. I'm going to try and blog daily, even if  I don't have pictures. Going to Paris in less than 2 weeks!

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