Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Plaza de España

Today I finally made it to the Plaza de España!! It's like the most famous part of Seville, besides the cathedral, and now I know why! It is beautiful. Like, I want to go there and read and do my homework and eat there all day everyday. I had one class in the morning, came home and planned out some things, and then had lunch, some yummy pasta with creamy white sauce, and turkey bits? And then went to meet one of my best friends from home, Ali Sakai, she's also in my sorority. We met outside of the plaza and walked around it for a while. I'm not sure what it was built for, apparently a scene from Star Wars was shot there though. It's just awesome. Then we did some power walking around the park, Maria Luisa, that surrounds it. She goes running there like everyday, and I'm definitely going to try it out. It's so beautiful. Lot's of couples there...it was such a great afternoon though. So nice to be with a friend from home. Then we got some gelato together. Booked my plane ticket for Alicante tonight! Going to be there the 17th of April until the 22nd, Sunday to Friday, and I get to stay with Maica's parents. I'm SO excited. I can't wait to do this trip on my own, be with Paco and Carmen, and just explore a small town and get away from everyone for a bit.

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